Securitate Retail

Solutii dedicate domeniului retail

VerifiES este specializat in aplicare solutii dedicate domeniului retail:

  • Monitorizare activitate POS /case de marcat
  • Numarare Persoane: in zona de intrare/iesire, numarare persoane in zona caselor pentru monitorizare mai multe persoane la casa
  • Monitorizare zone de interes si generare alerte ( iesiri neautorizate, intrari prin zone neautorizate, personal sau clienti in zone neautorizate
  • Automatizari si integrari sisteme de securitate si siguranta si generare alerte
  • Harti magazin cu zonele de interes
  • Dispecerizare de la distanta sisteme
  • Integrari WMS cu solutii de video management pentru monitorizare zone logistice
  • Loss preventionsisteme de securitate verifies

TRASSIR Retail Saga 3

RETAIL SAGA – Episode 3 Integrarea TRASSIR pentru un retail inteligent In continuarea prezentarii modului in care TRASSIR integreaza camerele video cu POSurile in retailul inteligent, un element important il reprezinta si auditul operatorilor [...]

TRASSIR Retail Saga 32022-06-24T09:34:14+03:00

Loss Prevention – intre mit si realitate

Abordarea unei astfel de teme a parut initial facila.  Inainte insa de a scrie primele idei am convenit ca nu este cu adevarat relevanta prezentarea si reliefarea succinta a unor proiecte si actiuni variate realizate [...]

Loss Prevention – intre mit si realitate2024-03-08T10:44:45+02:00

Are Retailers Selling Shoplifting Tools?

Boosters are savvy in their methodology of offending. They often find creative ways in which to conceal property when shoplifting—in their clothing, via a special “booster bag,” etc. However, occasionally they capitalize on resources provided [...]

Are Retailers Selling Shoplifting Tools?2016-04-14T15:00:21+03:00

Lessons from Retailers with Admirable Shrink Control Practices

In the generally unyielding area of retail loss prevention, a few U.S. corporations have been highly successful in staunching the pervasive problem of inventory shrinkage—the $42-billion-a-year problem that refuses to go away. This article looks [...]

Lessons from Retailers with Admirable Shrink Control Practices2017-04-12T22:10:31+03:00

Building Business Value in Loss Prevention

“Doug once told me, there were no cash registers in his office or mine,” says Keith Aubele, president and CEO of Retail Loss Prevention Group, Bentonville, Arkansas, a consulting practice he formed after a long [...]

Building Business Value in Loss Prevention2016-04-14T14:58:39+03:00

Loss-prevention technology and the fight against employee theft

It’s no secret that restaurant operators everywhere are working to fight employee theft. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce estimates that 75 percent of all employees will steal from their employer at least once. That’s a [...]

Loss-prevention technology and the fight against employee theft2016-04-14T15:00:38+03:00

Securitate retail: Furturile angajatilor

Prevenirea furturilor savarsite de angajati Potrivit statisticilor, 75% din angajati fura de la locul lor de munca si cea mai mare parte o fac in mod repetat. In acelasi timp, statisticile de securitate arata o [...]

Securitate retail: Furturile angajatilor2024-03-10T14:28:15+02:00

VerifiES – Securitate In Romania

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