Compania: Michelin Romania
Localitatea: Bucuresti
Fișa jobului
The Security and Risk Manager will ensure the Information Systems security and risk expertise, in the region.
Main Activities
- Advise and support the business entities (technical solutions, rules, procedures, solutions deployed are validated and controlled);
- Ensure that IS standards, policies and rules, taking into account the specific requirements of the country, and systematically implemented, in a complete and consistent manner;
- Apply and control the compliance with legal requirements;
- Propose amendments of the rules and policy to the local context;
- Participate to the risks analysis;
- Apply and control the application of the rules and security policy regarding various security fields in the company (eg.: personnel, operations, access control, etc.);
- Ensure the administration of certificates, users support;
- Supervise that the deployment of the security projects is carried out according to the plans;
- Analyze and inform the IS Zone Security and Risks Manager about the abnormal facts, incidents and of the encountered problems, flaws and vulnerabilities detected;
- Ensure that users and IS/IT people are trained and aware of the OS security and commit themselves and respect the security rules and policy.
Pentru aplicatii accesati:Michelin
Securitate in Romania
Servicii pentru industria de securitate: Consultanta de securitate, Audit securitate, Selectie si audit furnizori de securitate, Solutii de securitate – optimizare buget de securitate, Business Intelligence, Business Counterintelligence, Securitatea informtiilor, Externalizare management servicii de securitate, Analize, statistici de securitate, Instrumente utile pentru industria de securitate, Consultanta marketing si vanzari, Training, Recrutare, Joburi securitate, Marketing online, Broker de securitate.