GTS Global Intelligence – OSPA Winner 2016 for Best Romanian Security Integrator
GTS Global Intelligence – 1 st Prize for Best Romanian Security Integrator along with his flagship product CAVI Smart Monitoring
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GTS GI quote after winning an OSPA :
” We would first of all like to thank our clients and partners for their constant feedback and interaction, based on which we were able to continuously adapt and improve our flagship product, CAVI Smart Monitoring, which we consider has reached its maturity and is granting us such remarkable results.
We kindly thank OSPA and FSS for the award and wish to mention that we do not intend to stop here.
GTS Global Intelligence will launch 2 new software solutions in 2017, that will be addressed to new market segments and intends to win again an award at next year`s OSPA gala based on its innovating ideas”
GTS Global Intelligence Team
Dan Lazar – Consultant de Securitate
Securitate in Romania: Stiri, Tendinte, Joburi, Resurse, Legislatie, Top 50 firme, Calculator buget, Club Securitate.
VerifiES Servicii pentru industria de securitate: Consultanta de securitate, Audit securitate, Selectie si audit furnizori de securitate, Solutii de securitate – optimizare buget de securitate, Externalizare management servicii de securitate, Analize statistici de securitate, Consultanta marketing si vanzari, Training, Recrutare, Marketing online, Broker de securitate.