Stores with no loss prevention staff present on a daily basis must use other tools and tactics to control shrink.

A question frequently asked by retail customers—and even some loss prevention professionals just getting started in their careers—involves many of the smaller stores where they shop, and how shoplifting and other retail shrink concerns are managed in retail stores with no loss prevention team.

First, few retail companies actually attempt to manage their stores with no loss prevention program. Considering the significant impact that retail shrink can have on the business, most retailers recognize the need to manage merchandise losses and protect all of the various assets of our retail stores. As a result, a loss prevention program often exists, but is managed in a different way than might be expected in a traditional department store setting, where resources are devoted to loss prevention personnel charged with identifying and apprehending shoplifters.

Citeste mai mult pe: Losspreventionmedia

Dan Lazar, Consultant securitate


VerifiES: Servicii pentru industria de securitate

Prestatori servicii securitate: Consultanta in dezvoltarea si implementare strategii de management, vanzari, marketing, resurse umane si operationale, Consultanta generala companie de securitate, Servicii externalizate de management, vanzari, marketing, Consultanta vanzare, fuziune, achizitie firme de securitate, Mentorat si Coaching top management,  Cercetare analiza si statistici de securitate;

Beneficiari servicii securitate: Selectie, evaluare si audit furnizori  de securitate,  Consultanta si redactare caiete de sarcini, Consultanta si propuneri solutii de securitate, Consultanta implementare si evaluare solutii de securitate, Loss prevention, Servicii externalizate departament de securitate, Evaluare de risc la efractie fizica, Audit si evaluare servicii de securitate (paza, monitorizare, interventie, transport valori);

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