More than 181,000 consumer drones have been registered with the government since the Federal Aviation Administration rolled out a mandatory registration program two weeks ago.
About 400,000 drones were sold during the holidays, according to the Consumer Technology Association.
The requirement covers drones that weigh from roughly half a pound up to 55 pounds.
FAA director Michael Huerta said „We’re encouraged by the registration numbers we are seeing so far. But this is just the beginning. It provides us with a key opportunity to educate the new generation of airspace users that as soon as they start flying outside,” Huerta added. „There are safety implications to how they fly, and there are rules and regulations they must follow. It also will help them become part of the safety culture that has been deeply embedded in traditional aviation for more than a century, while still allowing for the recreation and innovation that are staples of American aviation. And, when necessary, registration will help us track down people who operate unsafely.”
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