Compania: Astal Security Technologies

Candidatul ideal

You must have deep knowledge of Fire Detection Systems and other Security Systems, with more than 3 years experience in making offers, projects, documentation for tenders, configuring fire systems based on the customer needs.

University diploma in Engineering is a must and also sales experience and customer relation soft skills are required.

Descrierea jobului

The main SPP task:
A person working as SPP is responsible for handling major projects / investment. Its duty is to work actively for the entire length of the investor decision-making process and search for ways and opportunities aimed at selling our solutions.

SPP detailed tasks:

1. Searching for the investments from available sources
a) Websites dealing with the issue of tenders
b) Public Information Bulletins
c) Conversations with designers and installers of security systems

2. Working with the designers of security systems

3. Working with contractors / installers of security systems
a) Searching for contractors / installers in web databases, telephone directories, industry portals, settled tenders, etc.
b) Establishing relationships with installers, presenting our offer, offering product training, technical support, convincing to start in tenders with the use of our devices
c) Assistance in replacement competitive offers on our equipment and preparing a tender offer for the investor
d) Maintaining relationships with designers, exchanging information on current and planned investments
e) Conducting statistics of installers – featured investments, occupied places in tenders, offered equipment, etc.

4. Working with investors
a) Visits to construction sites, interviews with investors, presentation of our product offer, encouraging to the use of our solutions
b) we do not make offers to investors directly (especially with discounts), we do so only by installers

Descrierea companiei

ASTAL SECURITY TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L. is the Romanian branch of AAT Holding sp. z o o, the largest provider of security systems in Poland, with 14 branches and partners worldwide, specialized in the sale of security systems within the following fields:
� Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) – cameras, lenses, monitors, quads, digital video recorders, video capture cards, matrix switchers, IP devices;
� Fire detection systems -conventional, analogue-addressable, interactive and extinguishing systems;
� Intruder alarm systems – control panels, detectors, photoelectric beams, pendant transmitters, sirens, panic buttons;
� Access control – supervisor software, readers, controllers, exit buttons, electric bolts, electromagnetic locks, door closers.

Our mission is a firm commitment to the core values of the company Astal: integrity, responsibility, teamwork and innovation.

We are committed to provide to our customers products and impeccable service accessibility, with team of specialists who provide complete technical documentation, develop projects, conduct tests and help commissioning of complex security systems.

We are a dynamic team waiting for you to join us!

Pentru aplicatii accesati: Astal Security Technologies 

Securitate in Romania

Servicii pentru industria de securitate: Consultanta de securitate, Audit securitate, Selectie si audit furnizori de securitate, Solutii de securitate – optimizare buget de securitate, Business Intelligence, Business Counterintelligence, Securitatea informtiilor, Externalizare management servicii de securitate, Analize, statistici de securitate, Instrumente utile pentru industria de securitate, Consultanta marketing si vanzari, Training, Recrutare, Joburi securitate, Marketing online, Broker de securitate.

Securitate in Romania

Blogul nr 1 din industria de Securitate - Fii primul care afla noutati si informatii din industria de Securitate