Would you seek medical treatment from someone who’s never actually practiced medicine, only studied it? What about take your car to a mechanic who’s never performed a repair? Probably not. You’d most likely feel comfortable only obtaining services from a professional who’s had practical experience in his or her trade. So why would you seek information on the latest cybercrime trends from anyone other than those who have been in the trenches?
Find out more at securityintelligence
Servicii pentru industria de securitate: Consultanta de securitate, Audit securitate, Selectie si audit furnizori de securitate, Solutii de securitate – optimizare buget de securitate, Business Intelligence, Business Counterintelligence, Securitatea informtiilor, Externalizare management servicii de securitate, Analize, statistici de securitate, Instrumente utile pentru industria de securitate, Consultanta marketing si vanzari, Training, Recrutare, Joburi securitate, Marketing online, Broker de Securitate.